Acrylic painting on canvas measuring 400cms x 500 cms but will be approximately 600cms x 500 cms once framed with mat, frame and non reflective glass. This is the 3rd completed work in a current ongoing series of specialists that treat me and help to keep me well.
Living It Up With Livers is an A4 sized ink drawing on acid free card. The work will soon be framed so another 120cms on each side will be added. The date of completion of work is 10th August 2024. This is part of the Specialist Series being associated with the Hepatological entry. The painting is currently being done and is nearly ready. Once it is done it will be uploaded after this entry, though it will be entered into the painting section.
This is a conceptual work. The main characters of this drawing are: one main doctor named (Dr.) Calvin Chan and 2 team members working with him. The two males are balancing thin, steel rods, while the middle female uses her scissor like tongs to work with the bloodied swab being passed to her very carefully. Below this is the Hepato- Gastroenterological :Liver, Pancreas, Gall Bladder, Pancreas, and Biliary Ducts system which is steadied upright like a vertical sculpture on the table. Above this is the gushing ‘cartoon style blood’ signifying an open operation is in progress.
Below this are two separate sections being Left and Right. Facing the reader on the left, we are seeing a lot of people quite well dressed and spaced out wearing hats. On the table behind the main hat wearer which says ” We want to live…er.’ But behind her we see a table with other livers in bowls with doctors in scrubs at the table. It seems everyone is wearing a Liver hat and are very happy with it.
Starting from the left, off centre, is a trail of many doctors in scrubs holding livers. Eying to the front of the bottom of the page off centre right, a main doctor with the name ‘Chan’ across his scrub shirt is handing a liver to a crowd on the right. The person he first meets is smiling at being given the liver. He is shown being surprised indicated by the three exclamation marks above his head. He too, like the rest of the crowd on the right has a black empty hole in his abdominal right side in the shape of a liver. All of these people need help from the doctors but it is seen that help is surely on the way. One person is seen crowd surfing. Perhaps this person has an online go fund him going on, so he is being crowd surfed to the front? 🙂
At the top of the page shows heads blowing wind toward the clouds and blowing them away. The stars show it is at night and it is possible by the close proximity of the surgeons below this section that help is very near at hand.
On an Esoteric note, the three people can represent past, present, future. Also, Crone, Mother, daughter, also 3 wands in the Tarot, meaning the launching of new ventures. It can also represent that male energy is a must in this situation, meaning action. The tempering of this is the emotional side, meaning the female compassion and feeling that is needed in this situation. The balancing act can represent the balancing of the scales in the Justice card. We cannot see whether the female is cutting or taking or motion in this aiding of the operation , and just like the Justice card in the tarot, Justice is blindfolded. Who is to know the outcome? The balancing of the rods can also represent the Magician card where all resources and talent and skill is mustered up to help with the situation. Being a young magician , it is not always known whether playing with Zeus’s fire has been worth is. But the elder of the Magicians here is wise, and can be the teacher of all.
The image of the hepato-gastroenterological system looks similar to a drawn sculpture and this image can make us ponder the choice between Subjective thinking and Objective thinking, and like the balancing act, the juggling of a wise mind is necessary for procedural operations.
The splash of blood can certainly signify the sacrifice that is needed to be partaking of this venture. The need to spill a little blood for something far greater is often recognised by patients and medical staff alike.
Masks, caps, and gowns are all trademarks of uniform and the need for work recognisable apparel. It is also a cover up to the information that is not shared between patient and doctor. It is sometimes necessary not to keep the patient up to date as what can be said by a doctor in a transitioning state of operation can sometimes be unwise to explain. Therefore a need to go slowly and wisely. This can be represented by the Tarot card, of the wise Hermit, which is a sole seeker of knowledge and truth, a doctor, a healer, and a teacher. The need to meditate in solitary is necessary.
The title ‘Living It Up With Livers’ is a play on words denoting those that have good functioning livers can and do, play a little bit more than those that are not in that position. Therefore- they are ‘liver-s’.
Being able to be rescued by those that care is a sacrifice for both parties. I would choose the Hanged Man Tarot card for this as there are sacrifices all around for accepting emancipating offers of freedom in our lives.
To wear our heart of our sleeve is one thing but to wear our liver on our head is quite another. Our Livers are amazing organs in that they not only help to filtrate and exit us of our poisons, make nourishment and protection inside of us to be well, they also purify our blood, help our other organs to be well, and can also heal itself! Fascinating! Wearing of our liver on our head could certainly be captivating in that we can be mindful of such a brilliant organ and those that look after us to keep them working well.
Thinking. is an ink drawing on acid free card. It is connected to Psychologist James’ Psychology painting. Here we image an android type of female bust with cogs and white lines of wisps from her head. She wears a bright royal blue headress behind all of the fancy accoutrements. Astride the headress on both sides are images of naked people in thinking poses. In thinking we have to delve into the ‘naked truth’ of matters that require logical analysis and also with feeling to emotionally bond with the judgement. When James the psychologist sits with me, it is this that is so important we do- we cultivate our art of thinking. This is part of the Specialist Series. 2024-2025
This painting is part of a new series of paintings and drawings that is titled for now ‘The Specialist Series’. This is the 2nd painting that has been completed and now is framed and glassed with non reflective glass. ‘Psychology’ is a painting showing psychologist James seated in the chair on which he listens to me . A most caring psychologist. He makes me feel that it is good to let my hair down when i see him. He helps me to keep in touch with who I am inside., I can spend time with him sharing my calamities or woes, happiness-es and wins . It has been several years now that I have visited him, and honestly, I would not know how I could go without his guidance. (I can … but gee, he helps to make my life much better). Some people, like myself understand that when having a medical life like I have, it can be hard to be in touch with yourself sometimes, as pain and malady can take you to places that you often visit, but do not wish it to become the only believable part of us. All the people in this new series are kind, caring, and are very special people who have the gift of imparting love and care through the very work that they do for the public’s service. They have all impacted my life in helping me be me as much as I can, directly, and indirectly. How can I not paint these people? They need to have honour forwarded to them and be acknowledged. Without them, where would we be? Acrylic paint. Approximately520cms x 620cms framed.
Gastroenterology is a painting approximately 520cms x 620 cms .
Here we see Dr. Kalantar posing for this painting. The specialist is a very kind, and caring man, one who I can depend on and knows and understands the working of my digestive tract. Lol. He is one who also loves art and the minds of artistic people. He is a lover of his patients, his work, good people, family, and the arts.
This is the 1st painting in the Specialist Series. Presently, (Aug. 2024) at this time, I am up to the 3rd work. The painting is worked in acrylic. It is framed and glassed with non reflective glass ready for exhibition.
This is a drawing titled ‘Dr. Kalantar, I Presume’, which will be a part of a series of drawings and paintings for an upcoming exhibition. This series are of specialists and those that serve to help make my health better, whether it be physical, mental, emotional, or through the gift of helping to care for my animals.. This is important too, for my emotional state.
The exhibition is planned to be about a year from now (from now, August 2024) but we will see how this pans out. It is planned that this exhibition is to thank and honour those who are in the service for others that are in some way connected medically and emotionally serving in my life. They make my life a better place health wise. I am a fortunate person to have these very kind and caring people around me. This is hoped to also bring about recognition through the exhibition of these people who are often not thanked for their great work. All of these people worked through the tirade of the Covid Era, and they still carry on.
I have been a medical patient since I was 19 years old, and as the years increase, the autoimmune diseases add. Ergo, I am often very busy with specialists. Having this sort of lifestyle separates me from a real life with friends and social life. Art and specialists are my lifestyle.
The image here is of the Gastroenterological system. A little man with hands and feet akimbo has his wide mouth open displaying all of his gut. The rest of the art is about night and day, the lives of normal people whose gut systems work well, to those who are feeling the pinch of terror. With this work is the accompanying painting of the doctor specialising in this discipline. Dr. Kalantar stands at the door of the bowel and ponders the important next steps to his procedure. This is right at the ‘bottom’ of the drawing mid centre. Ink on acid free card. A4 in size.
Rage. December 2023 is an ink drawing on acid free card, and is about the effects of taking unprescribed drugs. I knew of a person that every time I saw them coming down from a a party night the rage in them was terrible. This drawing is about the beast that comes from a person such as this.
Sushi is a Pastel drawing on a square canvas. Approximate canvas size is 500cms x 500 cms, but with 120cms added for mat, frame, including non reflective exhibition glass, it is quite bigger.. The subject is apparent that it is a cat. But you do not know that this truly is a very well mannered gentleman cat…at that!
This work is an A4 drawing in ink, on acid free card. Basically, it is a doodle drawing. Doodles are related to art classifications such as Trance Drawing, and Automatic Writing. When I was at uni I wrote a thesis on it. I found it very interesting, because it also has to do with Psychology, and the Psyche. Most of the time these areas are free floating and are not contrived. But really, who is to say that all drawings are from the Psyche, whether we contrive it or not? It really is a matter if you believe that our life’s course is already mapped out for us….
This work is in A4 size, and was gifted for my grandchildren’s bedroom. It has not been that often that I have created drawings on the subject for children. Perhaps I should let my serious side relax a little more…