ink on acid-free card. 20th June 2017

There is something about flowers and butterflies that go hand in hand.





Friday’s Floral




ink on acid-free card. 16th June 2017

This is what I did on a Friday. Lol.




‘House Flowers’ was also submitted along with ‘Friday’s Floral’.



A B1 Sized print of ‘Friday’s Floral ‘ is also currently being exhibited at Frogmore House. WSU, Kingswood, NSW.2017 .

The Frogmore House Spring Art Show From 28th August 2017








ink on acid-free card. 8th June, 2017

Our mobile phones have turned into visual diaries. A sign of the times.


A B1 Sized print of ‘Mobile Visual Diary II ‘ is also currently being exhibited at Frogmore House. WSU, Kingswood, NSW.2017 .

The Frogmore House Spring Art Show From 28th August 2017










ink on acid-free card. 27th may 2017

In this line drawing example, when you see roses and the deep blue sky,

it is a great visual of two opposite complementary colours.







ink on acid free card. 25th May, 2017


This work based on a fractal design I engineered. I have also graphically enhanced the

drawn image to produce this complementary and contrasting design.









 Canvas print. Acid free permanent ink. 21st June 2016

There is also a drawing to this on acid free card. A4 . Permanent Inks.


Have you ever seen a cat without whiskers? Well, my Ali cat at home has such fine whiskers,

that they are not easily noticeable. So I drew her without them at all.

Minimalist whiskers…

So much so, you cannot see them at all…  🙂





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