Hand painted, mirror and strengthened plaster bottle. 1998
I used to like doing small projects like this, as you can find out what
can be mixed with what sort of medium.
Hand painted, mirror and strengthened plaster bottle. 1998
I used to like doing small projects like this, as you can find out what
can be mixed with what sort of medium.
Mixed Media. 1998
Glass, glass paints, paper, embellishments.
This has been worked under and on top of the glass. The frame has been worked.
Girl With pretty Dress. Mixed media, Painting on glass. 1998
Mixed Media/ Abstract/ Sculpture. 1998
This work is made of poster paints, acrylic paint, beads,
and other embellishments, reflective paper, and glass.
I wanted a large colourful abstract for the lounge room, and came up with this.
No really firm concept, nor philosophy associated with it. Just pretty, and colourful.
Mixed Media.1998
This was made along with a few other works at the same time. There is definitely the situation with
me, is that when I get inspired, I can do several artworks one after the other, after another. It’s like I’m thirsting to drive a point/s
home and to then passionately create those ideas into artworks. Perhaps its a sort of insanity…
Mixed Media. Paints, glues, building cement, fillers, watercolour on canvas. 1998
In this image, one of the works has been placed on top of the other.
This was more of an experimentation of what mediums can be worked together.
Art is constantly about experimentation, whether it be grand, or minute in the scheme of things.
Mixed media. Painting on glass.1998.
acrylic on glass. leather and diamante embellishments, wooden frame. glues, silver paint.
The letter tells of a wish by a love that asks if they can come back.
Acrylic on glass. 1998
This work was a Trance Art project of which I named ‘Robert’.
The painting is on the underside of the glass.