
Untitled 3 May 2023
Ink drawing.
This drawing is one of a series of drawings drawn in my hospital stay in May 2023.

After drawing about the goings on at the hospital the few drawings before this I really needed to draw something pretty. I was going through a really, blood and guts time of it, and took advantage whenever I didn’t have a cannula in my drawing hand when it didn’t hurt. This eased my emotions somewhat.
A4. Ink on acid free card.

Move to Acquiescence

This is an A3 sized drawing in mixed Media- Watercolour and ink.
A drawing and painting.

It is a Conceptual work with representational Esoteric glyphs and imagery.


To the left of the centrally themed Stargazer Fish, we see a broken green hand painting a bright , teal, and pimply Stargazer fish.

There are people at the bottom of the art painting with strange bodies. All of their faces seem to be waiting for something, and they seem to show expressions of wondering as to’ what will be next’.

There is a cat person in the mix of this lined group as it fishes for fish in a little pond of water next to a shower drain.

Over to the right of the work on a black and white tiled and diamond patterned background, a break of gold lava flowing in tricklets across the floor towards the front of the people.

The stargazer fish, which is central to the drawing, is brightly coloured and stylised, and above its head at the top of the page is a weirdly fingered shaped hand throwing coins, water droplets, fire, diamonds, and a short sword into the air above the fish. The expression on the fish is unfazed, concentrating on itself being painted by the broken green hand.

The Concept in this drawing is about the artist, (though broken), is still lively and fresh (green) , with the ability to conceptualise how her business (fish) is going to be ‘painted’.

She has thrown all her elements into the business. There is danger across its whole game play. ( black and white tiles) . The danger of the Stargazer fish! …and as you know, doing business can be a bit of a gamble, Stargazer fish like to hide under the sand and catch unsuspecting prey by pouncing and gulping with a snap of it’s fishy sharp teeth!

Business can be like this, and as we become our own business, we have to watch out for people like the Stargazer Fish!

The humans below, though odd in their appearance, represent her own personality traits, and what elements occur while she plans, expresses and moves herself towards the overall art business vision.

The name of the work is a move to a place where she acquiesces her present situation and goes forth diplomatically with acceptance and somewhat blind faith, trusting in herself and her faith as it unfolds itself in time.

Move To Acquiescence is a work that has proven to be appreciated by artists due to its concept and the juxtopositioning of its imagery.

It has a profound conceptual narrative.

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Acrylic paint on canvas. 1973

This work was one of my first major works at school. I was 14 years old at the time.
I was amazed at the Surrealist painters, especially Salvador Dali, and he was alive and well in this year.
This work was about clinging to life, and the sacrifices, and the versatility to survive it all.
At the tender age of 14, I had already lost my mum, and a younger brother.

Growing up had its challenges… What to do? Be artistic!



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