Move to Acquiescence

This is an A3 sized drawing in mixed Media- Watercolour and ink.
A drawing and painting.

It is a Conceptual work with representational Esoteric glyphs and imagery.


To the left of the centrally themed Stargazer Fish, we see a broken green hand painting a bright , teal, and pimply Stargazer fish.

There are people at the bottom of the art painting with strange bodies. All of their faces seem to be waiting for something, and they seem to show expressions of wondering as to’ what will be next’.

There is a cat person in the mix of this lined group as it fishes for fish in a little pond of water next to a shower drain.

Over to the right of the work on a black and white tiled and diamond patterned background, a break of gold lava flowing in tricklets across the floor towards the front of the people.

The stargazer fish, which is central to the drawing, is brightly coloured and stylised, and above its head at the top of the page is a weirdly fingered shaped hand throwing coins, water droplets, fire, diamonds, and a short sword into the air above the fish. The expression on the fish is unfazed, concentrating on itself being painted by the broken green hand.

The Concept in this drawing is about the artist, (though broken), is still lively and fresh (green) , with the ability to conceptualise how her business (fish) is going to be ‘painted’.

She has thrown all her elements into the business. There is danger across its whole game play. ( black and white tiles) . The danger of the Stargazer fish! …and as you know, doing business can be a bit of a gamble, Stargazer fish like to hide under the sand and catch unsuspecting prey by pouncing and gulping with a snap of it’s fishy sharp teeth!

Business can be like this, and as we become our own business, we have to watch out for people like the Stargazer Fish!

The humans below, though odd in their appearance, represent her own personality traits, and what elements occur while she plans, expresses and moves herself towards the overall art business vision.

The name of the work is a move to a place where she acquiesces her present situation and goes forth diplomatically with acceptance and somewhat blind faith, trusting in herself and her faith as it unfolds itself in time.

Move To Acquiescence is a work that has proven to be appreciated by artists due to its concept and the juxtopositioning of its imagery.

It has a profound conceptual narrative.

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Ink on acid free paper. A4

This is a disconcerting narrative of one of many interpretations of what is currently going on in our world presently. Clearly a conceptual drawing. The narrative draws attention to the greed and satiety in mankind that has caused an obliviousness to the current crises that we are in today. The sinkhole is the definite possibility of which we all may just get sucked into if we can become aware of ourselves and take responsibility.

Here we see a man gorging himself with the finest fruit, and a coffee decanter is falling into a sinkhole, which is situated in the middle of the table.

At the edge of the sinkhole is a peacock, symbolism of both pride, wealth, and royalty. There is also another bird, greasy and dark green from oil, with feathers ruffled. There is a salamander with its tongue hanging long , sitting on the man’s shoulder peering into the mess on the table. Behind the lizard is a hint of a green tree. On the man’s cheek are buildings from a city, but it is clear the man in in a beach setting. A hammer, is situated as if hanging in the air and the narrative may imply that the man caused the sinkhole by shattering the table.
The problem is is that no one can identify who, and whether the hammer did cause the shattering. Surreptitious blame is posed? The man seems oblivious to the finger pointing to him from across the table. There is a mode of peace through the yacht being full of tourists on the water behind the man. In the forefront of the picture outside the edge of the sinkhole is a car crashed which is positioned as if it is sinking into a hole. It is presumed the dead person lying on the ground near the car is thrown from the wreck, but is it?


This was a quick sketch for someone who had viewed my other works on social media and asked me if I could do one of her Chihuahua named Moose. This work is a digital manipulation of the sketch.





ink on acid-free card. 12th July 2017

Chris McBiss has a keen eye.


A B1 Sized print of ‘Of Interest ‘ is also currently being exhibited at Frogmore House. WSU, Kingswood, NSW.2017 .

The Frogmore House Spring Art Show From 28th August 2017











House Flowers





ink on acid-free card. 9th July, 2017

Fancy some very happy yellows?




Two works were submitted to this exhibition by Ms. Boros :

House Flowers, and a large B1 sized print of Friday’s Floral. Retro Perspective Opening Exhibition . Saturday, 23rd Sept.2017

at GalleryOne88. 188 Katoomba Street Katoomba. NSW .




A B1 Sized print of ‘House Flowers’ is also currently being exhibited at Frogmore House. WSU, Kingswood, NSW.2017 .

The Frogmore House Spring Art Show




Original drawing of House Flowers entered into Fairfield Art Prize. (FAS- Fairfield Art Society.)

25th Annual Exhibition 2017 at Club Marconi. Monday the 9th October 2017- Sunday the 22nd of October, 2017 along with Chris Mc Biss.










ink on acid-free card. 21st March, 2016

My five cats are dear to me.










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